const { ErrorMessages } = require('./errors');
const { toInt, toNullableInt, toBoolean } = require('./utils');
* @interface Options
* @property {number} [minSize=0] The minimum number of objects the pool will try to maintain including borrowed objects. Cannot be greater than given maxSize. If this value is given without
* a maxSize, maxSize will be adjusted if needed
* @property {number} [maxSize=1] The maximum number of objects the pool can manage including objects being created. Cannot be less than given minSize. If this value is given without
* a minSize, minSize will be adjusted if needed
* @property {number|null} [defaultTimeoutInMs=30000] The default time in milliseconds calls to {@link Pool#acquire|pool.acquire()} and {@link Pool#use|pool.use()} will time out
* @property {number|null} [maxPendingRequests=null] The number of requests that can be queued if the pool is at maximum size and has no objects available.
* ie. the max number of requests waiting for an object to be returned. Note: Setting maxPendingRequests to `null` will disable maxPendingRequests which is different
* from setting it to `0` which not allow any requests to be queued when the pool does not have any objects available
* @property {number|null} [idleCheckIntervalInMs=null] The interval the pool checks for and removes idle objects
* @property {number|null} [maxIdleToRemove=null] The max objects that can be removed when the pool checks for idle objects
* @property {number|null} [softIdleTimeInMs=null] The amount of time an object must be idle before being eligible for soft removal. If an object is checked
* and exceeds this time it will be destroyed if the currently available objects is above the minimum
* @property {number|null} [hardIdleTimeInMs=30000] The amount of time an object must be idle before being eligible for hard removal. If an object is checked
* exceeding this idle time it will be destroyed. If destroying the object would bring the pool below the minimum, a new object will be created
* @property {boolean} [shouldAutoStart=true] If true, pool will start automatically. If a minSize is set the pool will start creating objects before any requests
* are made
* @property {boolean} [shouldValidateOnDispatch=false] If `true`, pool will call {@link Factory#validate|factory.validate()} on objects before dispatching them for use. If validation
* fails the invalid object will be destroyed and the pool will attempt to dispatch another pooled object, creating one if required
* @property {boolean} [shouldValidateOnReturn=false] If `true`, pool will call {@link Factory#validate|factory.validate()} on objects before adding them back to the available objects. If
* validation fails, the invalid object will be destroyed. If destroying the object would bring the pool below the minimum, a new object will be created.
* @property {boolean} [shouldUseFifo=true] Determines the order objects are dispatched. Either First in, First out (FIFO) or Last in, First out (LIFO). By default,
* the pool dispatches the object that has been available the longest, working like a queue (FIFO). Setting this option to `false` will dispatch the most recently returned
* or created object, working like a stack (LIFO)
* @private
class PoolOptions {
* Merges given options with defaults
* @example
* const options = new PoolOptions({ minSize: 2, maxSize: 6, defaultTimeoutInMs: null, shouldValidateOnDispatch: true })
* options // { minSize: 2, maxSize: 6, defaultTimeoutInMs: null, maxPendingRequests: null, ...otherOptions }
* // Just giving maxSize will use the default minSize
* new PoolOptions({ maxSize: 6 }) // { minSize: 0, maxSize: 6, ...otherOptions }
* // Just giving minSize will increase maxSize to the given minSize if needed
* new PoolOptions({ minSize: 4 }) // { minSize: 4, maxSize: 4, ...otherOptions }
* // If both are given and minSize is greater than maxSize it will result in an error
* new PoolOptions({ minSize: 5, maxSize: 2 }) // RangeError
* @param {Partial<Options>} [options={}]
constructor(options = {}) {
// set default options
this.minSize = 0;
this.maxSize = 1;
/** @type {number|null} */
this.defaultTimeoutInMs = 30000;
/** @type {number|null} */
this.maxPendingRequests = null;
/** @type {number|null} */
this.idleCheckIntervalInMs = null;
/** @type {number|null} */
this.maxIdleToRemove = null;
/** @type {number|null} */
this.softIdleTimeInMs = null;
/** @type {number|null} */
this.hardIdleTimeInMs = 30000;
this.shouldAutoStart = true;
this.shouldValidateOnDispatch = false;
this.shouldValidateOnReturn = false;
this.shouldUseFifo = true;
// merge given options with defaults
* Sets the pool options to the given values if valid
* @example
* options.set({ maxSize: 5 })
* @param {Partial<Options>} [options={}]
* @returns {this}
set(options = {}) {
// prevents undefined values from overriding current. If given option is unknown parseOption should throw
const merged = Object.entries(options).reduce((merged, [key, value]) => {
if (value === undefined) return merged;
return { ...merged, [key]: PoolOptions.parseOption(key, value) };
}, this);
// if no maxSize provided and the new minSize is above the current maxSize adjust the merged value
if (options.maxSize === undefined && merged.minSize > merged.maxSize) merged.maxSize = merged.minSize;
// if no minSize provided and the new maxSize is below the current minSize adjust the merged value
if (options.minSize === undefined && merged.minSize > merged.maxSize) merged.minSize = merged.maxSize;
// if minSize and maxSize were both provided and minSize is above maxSize this will throw
if (merged.minSize > merged.maxSize) throw new RangeError(ErrorMessages.MIN_ABOVE_MAX);
// ensure at least one of softIdleTimeInMs or hardIdleTimeInMs is set if idleCheckIntervalInMs is set
if (merged.idleCheckIntervalInMs && !merged.softIdleTimeInMs && !merged.hardIdleTimeInMs) {
throw new ReferenceError(ErrorMessages.IDLE_CHECK_NEEDS_SOFT_OR_HARD_TIME);
// update option values
Object.assign(this, merged);
return this;
* Ensures the given option value has correct type and range
* @param {string} option
* @param {*} value
* @returns {number|boolean|null}
static parseOption(option, value) {
switch (option) {
case 'minSize':
return toInt(value, option, { min: 0 });
case 'maxSize':
return toInt(value, option, { min: 1 });
case 'maxPendingRequests':
return toNullableInt(value, option, { min: 0 });
case 'defaultTimeoutInMs':
case 'idleCheckIntervalInMs':
case 'maxIdleToRemove':
case 'softIdleTimeInMs':
case 'hardIdleTimeInMs':
return toNullableInt(value, option, { min: 1 });
case 'shouldAutoStart':
case 'shouldValidateOnDispatch':
case 'shouldValidateOnReturn':
case 'shouldUseFifo':
return toBoolean(value, option);
throw new ReferenceError(`Unknown option ${option}`);
module.exports = PoolOptions;