const { EventEmitter } = require('events');
const PooledObject = require('./PooledObject');
const PoolOptions = require('./PoolOptions');
const PoolRequest = require('./PoolRequest');
const { PoolStates, PoolEvents } = require('./constants');
const { ErrorMessages, TimeoutError } = require('./errors');
const { PriorityQueue, DoubleEndedQueue } = require('./queues');
const { toSafePromise, validateFactory, validateObjectQueue, validateRequestQueue } = require('./utils');
// does nothing aka noop
const doNothing = () => {};
// wait for the next event loop iteration... I'm basing this on the way node works... setImmediate might have different implementations...
function untilNextEventLoopIteration() {
return new Promise(resolve => setImmediate(resolve));
* @example
* const Pool = require('thingy-pool');
* const factory = require('./myObjectFactory')
* const options = { maxSize: 5 }
* const pool = new Pool(factory, options)
* async function fetchSomething() { // or const fetchSomething = async () => {
* const thingy = await pool.acquire()
* const result = await thingy.fetchSomething()
* pool.release(thingy)
* return result
* }
* fetchSomething().then(result => console.log(result)) // something
* fetchSomething().then(result => console.log(result)) // something
* @extends {EventEmitter}
* @template {object} T
class Pool extends EventEmitter {
* @param {Factory<T>} factory Factory used by the pool
* @param {Partial<Options>} [options=Options] Options for the pool
* @param {Object} [injectables] Dependencies that can be injected into the pool. For using custom queue implementations as well as provide additional
* functionality for testing
* @param {ObjectQueue<PooledObject<T>>} [injectables.objectQueue=new DoubleEndedQueue()] Queue that stores the available pooled objects. See {@link ObjectQueue} for more info
* @param {RequestQueue<PoolRequest<T>>} [injectables.requestQueue=new PriorityQueue()] PriorityQueue that stores pending requests. See {@link RequestQueue} for more info
* @param {function():number} [] Function used by the pool to get the current timestamp. Useful for testing.
* See []{@link}
options = {},
{ objectQueue = new DoubleEndedQueue(), requestQueue = new PriorityQueue(), getTimestamp = } = {},
) {
* Function to get the current timestamp
* @type {function():number}
this._getTimestamp = getTimestamp;
* The current options
* @type {PoolOptions}
this._options = new PoolOptions(options);
// check if the factory and queues are valid
const shouldValidate = this._options.shouldValidateOnDispatch || this._options.shouldValidateOnReturn;
validateFactory(factory, shouldValidate);
* The object factory
* @type {Factory<T>}
this._factory = factory;
* All pooled objects except those being destroyed. Keyed by the associated object
* @type {Map<T,PooledObject<T>>}
this._pooledObjects = new Map();
* Pending request queue
* @type {RequestQueue<PoolRequest<T>>}
this._requests = requestQueue;
* Available pooled objects
* @type {ObjectQueue<PooledObject<T>>}
this._available = objectQueue;
* Collection of pooled objects that are borrowed
* @type {Set<PooledObject<T>>}
this._borrowed = new Set();
* Collection of pooled objects that are being validated before being dispatched to a request
* @type {Set<PooledObject<T>>}
this._beingValidatedForDispatch = new Set();
* Collection of pooled objects that are being validated before being returned to the available object queue
* @type {Set<PooledObject<T>>}
this._beingValidatedForReturn = new Set();
* Collection of pooled objects that are being destroyed.
* @type {Set<PooledObject<T>>}
this._beingDestroyed = new Set();
* Collection of safe promises for objects currently being created
* @type {Set<SafePromise<T>>}
this._createPromises = new Set();
* Collection of safe promises for objects currently being validated
* @type {Set<SafePromise<boolean>>}
this._validatePromises = new Set();
* Collection of safe promises for objects currently being destroyed
* @type {Set<SafePromise<void>>}
this._destroyPromises = new Set();
// binding here so an anonymous function isn't created every time an idle object check is scheduled
this._tryRemoveIdleObjects = this._tryRemoveIdleObjects.bind(this);
* The timeoutID for the next scheduled idle object check. Used to cancel timeout when the pool stops
* @type {NodeJS.Timeout|null}
this._nextIdleObjectCheck = null;
* Unique promise created on the initial call to {@link Pool#start|pool.start()}. All calls to {@link Pool#start|pool.start()} return this promise
* @type {Promise<void>}
// @ts-ignore
this._startPromise = null;
* Unique promise created on the initial call to {@link Pool#stop|pool.stop()}. All calls to {@link Pool#stop|pool.stop()} return this promise
* @type {Promise<void>}
// @ts-ignore
this._stopPromise = null;
* The current pool state
* @type {number}
this._state = PoolStates.CREATED;
* Timestamp for when the pool was created
* @type {number}
this._createdAt = this._getTimestamp();
if (this._options.shouldAutoStart) this.start();
* Creates a request for an object and adds it to the request queue. Returns a promise for the object
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {number} [options.priority=0] The priority for the request. The higher the number the higher the priority
* @param {number|null} [options.timeoutInMs=30000] Time in milliseconds before the request times out
* @returns {Promise<T>}
_newRequest({ priority = 0, timeoutInMs = this._options.defaultTimeoutInMs } = {}) {
/** @type {PoolRequest<T>} */
const request = new PoolRequest(timeoutInMs, this._getTimestamp);
this._requests.enqueue(request, priority);
// if the new request has a timeout we need to keep track of it in case it times out
if (request.hasTimeout()) this._handleRequestTimeout(request);
// pump gets called now that there is a new request in the queue
return request.getPromise();
* Wait until the next event loop iteration before trying to acquire an object. Used when the request queue is full to allow an additional
* check in case any objects are returned in the current iteration
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {number} [options.priority=0] The priority for the request. The higher the number the higher the priority
* @param {number|null} [options.timeoutInMs=30000] Time in milliseconds before the request times out
* @returns {Promise<T>}
async _acquireNextLoop({ priority = 0, timeoutInMs = this._options.defaultTimeoutInMs } = {}) {
// wait for the next event loop iteration...
await untilNextEventLoopIteration();
// pool state might have changed in previous loop so it needs to be checked
if (this._state >= PoolStates.SHUTTING_DOWN) throw this._getStateError();
// reject the request if the pool still has max requests
if (this._hasMaxPendingRequests()) throw new RangeError(ErrorMessages.MAX_REQUESTS);
return this._newRequest({ priority, timeoutInMs });
* Changes pooled object state to available and adds it to the object queue
* @param {PooledObject<T>} pooledObject The pooled object to make available
_addToAvailable(pooledObject) {
* Destroys pooled object
* @param {PooledObject<T>} pooledObject The pooled object to destroy
async _destroy(pooledObject) {
// change state to invalid so it can no longer be used
// remove object from the pool so it no longer contributes to the pool size
const didDestroy = await this._factoryDestroy(pooledObject.getObject());
if (didDestroy) pooledObject.setToDestroyed();
* Dispatches pooled object to a pending request if there are no requests the pooled object will be returned
* to the available objects
* @param {PooledObject<T>} pooledObject The pooled object being dispatched
_dispatch(pooledObject) {
const request = this._dequeueRequest();
if (request) {
} else {
// a request could time out while an object is being validated making the request queue empty
* Gets the next request in the queue. Returns `undefined` if empty
* @returns {PoolRequest<T>|undefined}
_dequeueRequest() {
let request = this._requests.dequeue();
while (request && request.didTimeout()) {
/* ignore coverage: don't think this can happen... */
request = this._requests.dequeue();
return request;
* Tries to dispatch available pooled objects to pending requests
_dispatchAvailable() {
// objects being validated will be dispatched shortly so we remove them from the qty needed
const qtyNeeded = this._requests.length - this._beingValidatedForDispatch.size;
// if there are no objects available or needed, qty to dispatch is 0
const qtyToDispatch = Math.min(qtyNeeded, this._available.length);
for (let i = 0; i < qtyToDispatch; i += 1) {
const pooledObject = this._options.shouldUseFifo ? this._available.shift() : this._available.pop();
/* ignore coverage: shouldn't happen because we check the queue length above */
if (!pooledObject) return;
if (this._options.shouldValidateOnDispatch) {
} else {
* Check the current pool size and create additional objects if possible to fulfill pending requests or reach the minimum size
_ensureSize() {
// if the pool is stopping or stopped it will no longer create new objects
if (this._state >= PoolStates.SHUTTING_DOWN) return;
// i originally had a lot of these counts and other checks as small separate methods but experienced performance problems... it worked better being more verbose...
const poolSize = this._pooledObjects.size + this._createPromises.size;
const qtyNotBorrowed = poolSize - this._borrowed.size;
const spareCapacity = this._options.maxSize - poolSize;
const qtyToReachMin = this._options.minSize - poolSize;
const qtyNeededForRequests = this._requests.length - qtyNotBorrowed;
const qtyToCreate = Math.min(Math.max(qtyToReachMin, qtyNeededForRequests), spareCapacity);
for (let i = 0; i < qtyToCreate; i += 1) {
* Check and remove idle objects from the available object queue
_tryRemoveIdleObjects() {
// if no max is set, check all available objects
const maxToRemove = this._options.maxIdleToRemove || this._available.length;
let didRemoveIdle = this._tryRemoveNextIdle();
// this will stop when either the max idle objects have been removed or when tryRemoveNextIdle fails
for (let i = 1; i < maxToRemove && didRemoveIdle; i += 1) {
didRemoveIdle = this._tryRemoveNextIdle();
* Check if the pooled object that has been queued the longest is considered idle. If it is idle, remove and destroy it
* @returns {boolean}
_tryRemoveNextIdle() {
// objects are always pushed to the queue, so the first will be the oldest. If this object is not considered idle, neither will the others
// @ts-ignore peek will be defined if length is > 1
if (this._available.length < 1 || !this._isIdle(this._available.peek())) return false;
// remove from queue and destroy
// @ts-ignore same as above
// TODO: should we pump here or inside tryRemoveIdleObjects. This would call pump on each object removal instead of after multiple objects are removed
return true;
* Check if the pooled object is considered idle by the pool
* @param {PooledObject<T>} pooledObject The pooled object to check
* @returns {boolean}
_isIdle(pooledObject) {
// could potentially make this injectable and pass it the current pool options and info
// eg. this._isIdle = injectables.isIdleObject
// function isIdleObject(pooledObject, options, info){ // custom idle objet check returns true/false }
// right now the objectQueue only needs to check the first item in the queue... so keeping this simple is probably best
const idleTime = pooledObject.getIdleTime();
const { softIdleTimeInMs, hardIdleTimeInMs, minSize } = this._options;
const qtyAvailable = this._available.length;
// considered idle if idleTime is more than the hardIdleTimeInMs regardless of minimum pool size
if (hardIdleTimeInMs && idleTime > hardIdleTimeInMs) return true;
// considered idle if idleTime is more than the softIdleTimeInMs and currently available objects is more than the minimum pool size
if (softIdleTimeInMs && idleTime > softIdleTimeInMs && qtyAvailable > minSize) return true;
return false;
* Schedules idle object check
_scheduleIdleObjectCheck() {
// if idleCheckIntervalInMs is not set idle objects won't be checked... pretty sure i put this check here because i used to allow the option to be changed while the pool was running...
if (!this._options.idleCheckIntervalInMs) return;
this._nextIdleObjectCheck = setTimeout(this._tryRemoveIdleObjects, this._options.idleCheckIntervalInMs);
* Cancel the next idle object check if set
_cancelNextIdleObjectCheck() {
if (!this._nextIdleObjectCheck) return;
this._nextIdleObjectCheck = null;
* Creates a new object and adds it to the pool
async _factoryCreate() {
// note on _factory methods: I use safe promises to help keep the pool size in sync as promises are resolved or if they are rejected... I'll make a diagram...
try {
const promise = toSafePromise(this._factory.create());
// keeps track of how many objects are being created and can be used with Promise.all
const { result: object, error } = await promise;
if (!object) throw error;
// if object creation was successful, add it to the pool
const pooledObject = new PooledObject(object, this._getTimestamp);
this._pooledObjects.set(object, pooledObject);
} catch (error) {
* An error occurred while trying to create an object. Likely an error from factory.create
* @event Pool#factoryCreateError
* @param {Error} error The error that occurred
this.emit(PoolEvents.CREATE_ERROR, error);
// waiting for next event loop before pumping
await untilNextEventLoopIteration();
// keeps the pool going and retries the object creation if needed
* Destroys an object that was created by the factory
* @param {T} object The object being destroyed
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
async _factoryDestroy(object) {
try {
const promise = toSafePromise(this._factory.destroy(object));
// keeps track of how many objects are being destroyed and can be used with Promise.all
const { error } = await promise;
if (error) throw error;
// used to look for a boolean from factory.destroy, but if we can return false, we should probably just throw an error so it can be emitted by the pool...
return true;
} catch (error) {
* An error occurred while trying to destroy an object. Likely an error from factory.destroy
* @event Pool#factoryDestroyError
* @param {Error} error The error that occurred
this.emit(PoolEvents.DESTROY_ERROR, error);
// because there was an error, we assume the object wasn't correctly destroyed
return false;
* Checks if an object created by the factory is valid
* @param {T} object The object being validated
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
async _factoryValidate(object) {
try {
//@ts-ignore we check the factory in the constructor
const promise = toSafePromise(this._factory.validate(object));
// keeps track of how many objects are being validated and can be used with Promise.all
const { result: isValid, error } = await promise;
if (error) throw error;
return !!isValid;
} catch (error) {
* An error occurred while trying to validate an object. Likely an error from factory.validate
* @event Pool#factoryValidateError
* @param {Error} error The error that occurred
this.emit(PoolEvents.VALIDATE_ERROR, error);
// because there was an error, we consider the object invalid
return false;
* Creates an error based on the pools current state
* @returns {TypeError} Error for the pools current state
_getStateError() {
if (this._state < PoolStates.STARTED) return new TypeError(ErrorMessages.POOL_NOT_STARTED);
if (this._state === PoolStates.SHUTTING_DOWN) return new TypeError(ErrorMessages.IS_SHUTTING_DOWN);
if (this._state === PoolStates.STOPPED) return new TypeError(ErrorMessages.IS_STOPPED);
/* ignore coverage: shouldn't happen unless we call this while pool is running... which at the moment we don't... */
return new TypeError(ErrorMessages.UNKNOWN_REJECTION);
* Removes request from queue if it times out
* @param {PoolRequest<T>} request
async _handleRequestTimeout(request) {
try {
await request.getPromise();
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof TimeoutError) this._requests.remove(request);
* Does pool have maximum pending requests?
* @returns {boolean}
_hasMaxPendingRequests() {
// if maxPendingRequests is set to null there is no max... this is different than 0
if (this._options.maxPendingRequests === null) return false;
// if there are objects available or additional objects can be created we don't limit the request queue size
if (this._available.length > 0 || this.getSize() < this._options.maxSize) return false;
return this._requests.length >= this._options.maxPendingRequests;
* Maintains the size of the pool and tries to dispatch objects to requests. This is the primary event cycle that keeps the pool running
_pump() {
// important that this pump cycle avoids async unless validating... might do a diagram or something...
if (this._requests.length > 0) this._dispatchAvailable();
* Starts the pool and creates enough objects to reach the minimum
async _start() {
// call pump so that if there is a min size the objects start being created
// wait for any initial objects to be created
await Promise.all(this._createPromises);
this._state = PoolStates.STARTED;
* Pool has started and initial objects have been created to reach the minimum pool size
* @event Pool#poolDidStart
// should we attach anything to this event? and should we possibly emit events on the next loop?
* Stops the pool and destroys all objects
async _stop() {
// do we have to wait for any create promises as well?
// wait for outstanding requests to be fulfilled... could add an option to reject these requests ie. pool.forceStop()...
const outstandingRequests = [...this._requests].map(request => toSafePromise(request.getPromise()));
await Promise.all(outstandingRequests);
// now that there are no more requests, destroy remaining available objects
await this.clear();
// wait for any objects to be returned
const outstandingLoans = [...this._borrowed].map(pooledObject => pooledObject.getLoanPromise());
await Promise.all(outstandingLoans);
// wait for the returned objects to finish validating if shouldValidateOnReturn is enabled
await Promise.all(this._validatePromises);
// destroy remaining objects
await this.clear();
this._state = PoolStates.STOPPED;
* Pool has stopped and all objects have been destroyed
* @event Pool#poolDidStop
// should we attach anything to this event? and should we possibly emit events on the next loop?
* Checks if the object is valid. If it is valid it will be made available else it will be destroyed. Used when `shouldValidateOnReturn` is enabled
* @param {PooledObject<T>} pooledObject The object to validate
async _validateThenAddToAvailableOrDestroy(pooledObject) {
// keeps track of how many objects are being validated for return
const isValid = await this._factoryValidate(pooledObject.getObject());
if (isValid) {
} else {
// waiting for next event loop before pumping
await untilNextEventLoopIteration();
* Checks if the object is valid. If it is valid it will be dispatched to a request else it will be destroyed. Used when `shouldValidateOnDispatch` is enabled
* @param {PooledObject<T>} pooledObject The object to validate
async _validateThenDispatchOrDestroy(pooledObject) {
const isValid = await this._factoryValidate(pooledObject.getObject());
if (isValid) {
} else {
// waiting for next event loop before pumping
await untilNextEventLoopIteration();
* Request an object from the Pool. If no objects are available and the pool is below the maximum size, a new one will be created
* @example
* const thingy = await pool.acquire()
* // With custom priority
* const thingy = await pool.acquire({ priority: 5 })
* // With custom timeout
* const thingy = await pool.acquire({ timeoutInMs: 5000 })
* // With custom priority and timeout
* const thingy = await pool.acquire({ priority: 10, timeoutInMs: 1000 })
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {number} [options.priority=0] The priority for the request. The higher the number the higher the priority
* @param {number|null} [options.timeoutInMs=30000] Time in milliseconds before the request times out
* @returns {Promise<T>}
async acquire({ priority = 0, timeoutInMs = this._options.defaultTimeoutInMs } = {}) {
if (this._state === PoolStates.CREATED) this.start();
if (this._state >= PoolStates.SHUTTING_DOWN) throw this._getStateError();
if (this._hasMaxPendingRequests()) return this._acquireNextLoop({ priority, timeoutInMs });
return this._newRequest({ priority, timeoutInMs });
* Destroys all pooled objects that are currently available. Resolves after objects have been destroyed
* @example
* pool.getInfo() // { size: 5, available: 2, borrowed: 3, ...moreInfo }
* await pool.clear()
* pool.getInfo() // { size: 3, available: 0, borrowed: 3, ...moreInfo }
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async clear() {
let pooledObject = this._available.shift();
while (pooledObject) {
pooledObject = this._available.shift();
await Promise.all(this._destroyPromises);
* @typedef {Object} PoolInfo
* @alias PoolInfo
* @property {number} available Number of objects that are available for requests
* @property {number} beingCreated Number of objects being created
* @property {number} beingDestroyed Number of objects being destroyed. Not included in the total pool size
* @property {number} beingValidated Number of objects being validated. The sum of beingValidatedForDispatch and beingValidatedForReturn
* @property {number} beingValidatedForDispatch Number of objects being validated before attempting to dispatch to a request
* @property {number} beingValidatedForReturn Number of objects being validated before being returned to available objects
* @property {number} pendingRequests Number of requests waiting for an object
* @property {number} borrowed Number of objects currently borrowed
* @property {number} notBorrowed Number of objects not currently borrowed
* @property {number} size Total number of objects in the pool. Includes objects being created and excludes objects being destroyed
* @property {string} state The current pool state
* @memberof Pool
* Current pool object counts and state
* @example
* pool.getInfo().available // 2
* // or
* const { available, borrowed, size, state } = pool.getInfo()
* @returns {PoolInfo}
getInfo() {
const size = this._pooledObjects.size + this._createPromises.size;
const notBorrowed = size - this._borrowed.size;
return {
available: this._available.length,
beingCreated: this._createPromises.size,
beingDestroyed: this._destroyPromises.size,
beingValidated: this._validatePromises.size,
beingValidatedForDispatch: this._beingValidatedForDispatch.size,
beingValidatedForReturn: this._beingValidatedForReturn.size,
borrowed: this._borrowed.size,
pendingRequests: this._requests.length,
state: PoolStates[this._state],
* Current pool options
* @example
* pool.getOptions().defaultTimeoutInMs // 30000
* // or
* const { maxSize, maxPendingRequests } = pool.getOptions()
* @returns {Options}
* @readonly
getOptions() {
return { ...this._options };
* Total number of objects in the pool. Includes objects being created and excludes objects being destroyed
* @example
* pool.getSize() // 3
* @returns {number}
getSize() {
return this._pooledObjects.size + this._createPromises.size;
* Current pool state as a string
* @example
* pool.getState() // 'STARTED'
* @returns {PoolState}
getState() {
return PoolStates[this._state];
* Checks if the object is part of the pool
* @example
* pool.has(thingy) // true
* @param {T} object The object to check
* @returns {boolean}
has(object) {
return this._pooledObjects.has(object);
* Checks if the object is currently borrowed
* @example
* pool.isBorrowed(thingy) // true
* @param {T} object The object to check
* @returns {boolean}
isBorrowed(object) {
// should objects that are not pooled just return false? i think so...
const pooledObject = this._pooledObjects.get(object);
if (!pooledObject) return false;
return this._borrowed.has(pooledObject);
* Returns the object back to the pool for future use
* @example
* const thingy = await pool.acquire()
* pool.getInfo() // { size: 5, available: 2, borrowed: 3, ...moreInfo }
* const result = await thingy.doSomethingAsync()
* await pool.release(thingy)
* pool.getInfo() // { size: 5, available: 3, borrowed: 2, ...moreInfo }
* @param {T} object The object to return
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async release(object) {
const pooledObject = this._pooledObjects.get(object);
if (!pooledObject) throw new ReferenceError(ErrorMessages.NOT_IN_POOL);
// if the object is not currently borrowed setToReturned() should throw... doing it this way to avoid checking in multiple places...
if (this._options.shouldValidateOnReturn) {
// should we wait for this? don't really think so...
await this._validateThenAddToAvailableOrDestroy(pooledObject);
} else {
* Returns the object to the pool and destroys it
* @example
* const thingy = await pool.acquire()
* pool.getInfo() // { size: 5, available: 2, borrowed: 3, ...moreInfo }
* const result = await thingy.doSomethingAsync()
* await pool.releaseAndDestroy(thingy)
* pool.getInfo() // { size: 4, available: 2, borrowed: 2, ...moreInfo }
* @param {T} object The object to return and destroy
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async releaseAndDestroy(object) {
const pooledObject = this._pooledObjects.get(object);
if (!pooledObject) throw new ReferenceError(ErrorMessages.NOT_IN_POOL);
const destroyPromise = this._destroy(pooledObject);
// not sure if it's a good idea to wait for this... when would we need to know if the object was destroyed before continuing something?
await destroyPromise;
* Starts the pool
* @example
* await pool.start()
* const thingy = await pool.acquire()
* @returns {Promise<void>} Resolves after pool is started
start() {
if (this._state >= PoolStates.SHUTTING_DOWN) return Promise.reject(this._getStateError());
// this is so multiple calls can be made to start that resolve at the some time and _start is only called once
if (this._state >= PoolStates.STARTING) return this._startPromise;
this._state = PoolStates.STARTING;
this._startPromise = this._start();
return this._startPromise;
* Stops the pool
* @example
* const thingy = await pool.acquire()
* const finalResult = await thingy.doSomethingAsync()
* pool.release(thingy)
* pool.stop()
* @returns {Promise<void>} Resolves after pool is stopped
stop() {
if (this._state < PoolStates.STARTED) return Promise.reject(this._getStateError());
// this is so multiple calls can be made to stop that resolve at the some time and _stop is only called once
if (this._state >= PoolStates.SHUTTING_DOWN) return this._stopPromise;
this._state = PoolStates.SHUTTING_DOWN;
this._stopPromise = this._stop();
return this._stopPromise;
* Use a pooled object with a callback and release to object automatically
* @example
* const result = await pool.use(thingy => thingy.doSomethingAsync())
* @param {function} callback
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {number} [options.priority=0] The priority for the request. The higher the number the higher the priority
* @param {number|null} [options.timeoutInMs=30000] Time in milliseconds before the request times out
* @returns {Promise<any>} Result from callback
async use(callback, { priority = 0, timeoutInMs = this._options.defaultTimeoutInMs } = {}) {
if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw TypeError(ErrorMessages.CALLBACK_MUST_BE_FUNCTION);
// if this throws the caller of use will received the error
const object = await this.acquire({ priority, timeoutInMs });
try {
const result = await callback(object);
// need to check this release... if the pool gets stopped or something, where should the error go? we have a result and someone waiting for it...
// not using a safe promise here either... i don't want to add an extra promise if it's not needed
return result;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
module.exports = Pool;